Taking Charge of Our Health

Physical and mental health are in constant interplay with one another. Very busy professionals often overlook completely or let symptoms pass and even forget they ever existed. In our experience, it is actually partners who insist on having their more stubborn mates see a doctor when symptoms persist.

Most of our behavior is driven by our beliefs.

-Knowing what’s up with your body can be scary so you don’t attend or you procrastinate on taking action or talking to a professional.

-Youfearyoudonot know as much as your physicians do about your health, think- ing only experts can tell you what you need. You feel presumptuous sharing your self-diagnosis or intuitions with a professional. You don’t want to be called a hypochondriac.

-You do not have access to natural healing tools or remedies having not been educated about or exposed to natural, or nonmedical, holistic tools for self-care.

A Cautionary Tale

Nothing strikes a greater wake-up call than real life! Within our Network of Extraordinary Women group, there is one very creative, spirited and busy woman named Susan. Susan is married, with children and grandchildren, and very much part of the Tucson networking community. She thrives on being of value, reinventing her path often to fulfill her soul’s desire...from being a banker to jewelry designer, to Susan the storyteller, and last but not least to a MayoClinic trained WomenHeart Champion.

Susan was so busy in fact, that when some new and slightly irritating pain in her collar bone area made its presence known, she dismissed it repeatedly as she prepared to make a presentation at a networking group that day. She was so intent on taking care of everyone else, she put her own self-care at the bottom of the list. Sound familiar?

After four days in the hospital, she left with two new stents supporting her heart, and most importantly, a new attitude. She

now moves through the day at a stroll instead of a sprint.

A few things to do to keep in mind about your own health.

Read! Listen and Learn!

There is so much out there! Choose wisely and keep up! Know your family his- tory. Be aware of your ancestry and their genetic possibilities.

Do not decline or have your children decline the study of biology. Basic biology can offer a foundation about how the body works. This science is not a mystery. Many schools in Arizona have entirely eliminated “Health” as a valid subject in their required curricula.

Don’t assume that all supplements are safe for your particular physiology. Discuss with a reputable health care expert, or seek out a health coach if you are not sure. Health coaches are a front-line resource for your signs and symptoms.

If you tend to take a lot of supplements, there’s a great resource called ConsumerLab. com. It provides very specific reviews and cautions about common supplements and their interaction with your medications.

Have a trusted other or friend who is a good listener. Be sure to have a support system you can call on in times of need.

It’s the rare doc who has time to answer all of your questions. Most are more accessible through “a portal” which is offered by practically all medical services. Often you can write your non-emergency questions to them and they will respond. Or, ask to speak to their medical assistant. Many can act as a messenger to your doctor.

Ask to speak or visit a nurse practitioner who is an extra educated nurse trained to be closer to the front lines of medical care. Many are now employed at the local Urgent Care Walk-In clinics springing up around town.

Keeptrackofhowyoufeel. Use the “Notes” app on your personal device to share at your next medical appointment. Doctors are scientists who love specifics.

Better yet, keep a journal of your

thoughts, feelings and overall mood and energy level. Journalingisoftenthehabityou can develop to keep your mind clear, focused, and alert to the more subtle changes in your mind and body.

Learn to meditate. Yes, you’ve heard it too many times but rest is the new exercise! Look it up! Research confirms that regular “active rest” is super important for your body-- and not just on weekends! Good sleep actually cleans the brain and refreshes the muscles. There are myriad apps that help. One absolute treasure is Calm.com. It includes guided rest, meditation, music, and stories to help you sleep. Besides... it’s intelligent and beautiful. Give yourself a present and check it out. Full disclosure, we have no connection or investment, only that we use it ourselves and recommend it with success to our clients!

And the obvious! Nutrition and exercise need to be taken seriously. Pay attention and work even small improvements in your daily life. You know what they are. And devices, annoying as they may be, can make so many of those essential skills all the more accessible! Goodcleanfoodandwaystopre- pare it is easier to find than ever before.

Your own good health and well-being are the best gifts you can give yourself and your loved ones. Make the choices you know are right! Treat your body and mind as the precious resources they are. Track your discomforts to share with a professional, and most importantly - pay attention to your body. Celebrate your health and work to keep it so!


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