Unsure about the Future?

While we can’t predict the future, we can practice coming to peace with challenges known and unknown that lie ahead.

Consider these questions for self-reflection.
Don’t overwhelm yourself, just pick a few that speak to you now.

  • Have you ever known deep down that a shift is wanting to happen? What has that felt like for you, in your life? What form did it take for you?

  • “Uncertainty” can feel like a mismatch between life inside you, and life outside you. How so?

  • These days the uncertainty and anxiety present in us and so many others is at the interface of who we are and how we meet the challenges in this life, in this country, among friends, family and how we imagine our future.

  • How do you navigate that kind of uncertainty for yourself?

  • Our imagination is so quick to take over and fill in what’s possible in the future.
    What powers or hacks do you have that allow you to “sit” in this pause of uncertainty? 

  • We all have restless and numerous questions about these changes in our lives and when life portends change we can get anxious and/or we can get curious. Curiosity is a more fertile state in that it provokes potential and possibilities inside ourselves. How can ambiguity and uncertainty bring about our access to possibilities?

  • Fear can act as a portal. Try this out… “the fear between me and the life waiting for me isn’t in the way - it is the way.”
    How can uncertainty and fear coexist?

  • What might be the nature of a mindset that allows us to move into an uncertain future with a sense of calm and competence?

  • It’s natural for us to freeze when we feel overly anxious and stuck. How do you get unstuck?
    How do you move in the direction of what makes you come alive?

  • Courage is something you can cultivate and practice. How can you practice courage in your daily life?